When Love Comes Late - Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044


Matthew pinched the bridge of his nose before revealing, “It’s because I’m not ready for a child.”
After some contemplation, he had realized that Stella was in a bad mood after he saw the pregnancy test.
A child wasn’t part of his current plan. Despite being married for over a year, he and Stella had spent only a few months together. He was wary of a child disrupting their lives at this juncture.
Neville wasn’t taken aback by Matthew’s revelation. He understood Matthew’s reluctance to have children, given his upbringing.
Matthew had grown up without the love of both parents, forced into the role of family heir under immense pressure, fighting against adversaries alone.
That was why Matthew hesitated to embrace fatherhood, fearing he couldn’t provide his child with the love they deserved.
After a thoughtful moment, Neville urged him to open up to Stella about his concerns.
“I suggest you have an honest conversation with Stella if she genuinely wants a child. She’ll understand where you’re coming from.”
“Okay. Matthew agreed quietly.
“I’ll talk to her once everything is sorted out.”
(EagleNovels) ‘s (EagleNovels)
Respecting Matthew’s stubborn nature, Neville chose not to press further.
Stella arrived at the film set early the next morning. The crew hadn’t arrived yet, so she wandered around aimlessly for a little while.
Despite the early hour, disappointment clouded her face as she checked her phone repeatedly.
In past disagreements, Matthew had always been quick to talk things out.
But this time, he maintained a troubling silence.
Was he really so reluctant to have a child with her?
Was he beginning to hate her because of this topic?
The more she thought of it, the heavier her heart became.
Lost in contemplation, she noticed a man who looked a lot like Farris. His head was bent, and he was focused on his Laptop.
Stunned for a moment, Stella approached and impulsively grabbed his arm.
“Farris? Is that you? You are not dead, are you? I knew they must have lied to me. How could you have an accident and die?”
The man swiveled around sharply and frowned at the emotional woman holding his arm.
“Let go of me!”
The man’s cold and deep voice interrupted Stella’s thoughts.

